Oh well, i am happy to announce that my school's team will be going to Kot@ Belud this monday to represent the district in the Zone Level's Chor@l Spe@king Competition. We are going to compete against schools from Kot@ Belud as well as Kud@t. Alhamdulillah.
The district level competition was held at my school yesterday and yeap, we made it. Thanks to the originality of the script (read:wrote by me, so its considered school's property and original). I really have to thank my colleagues, esp my GB, PKs and KP for their support and understanding. The event was alhamdulillah, a real success.
Now, Let me tell you a story that will defintely break my heart each time i think about it.
Since the school was only given a very short time to prepare for the event (1.5 days), we had to rush many things. During the meeting, the need for a proper platform for the choral speakers was highlighted and i politely said that if we didnt have the platform, it should be ok (who wants to built a platfrom in a night?)...but to my surprise, few male teachers openly suggested that they could do it if they were given enough nails and some proper papans. Thats all they needed. What the? I was like 'aha? u sure?' and yeah, they didnt mind at all and GB granted them permission to leave the meeting to go and get the stuff they needed to build the platform. I was already crying in the inside. Talk about extra miles some teachers willing to take.
You see, at that point i saw the real 'teachers' in my school's teachers.. real teachers who would do anything to ensure the students could get the best they could offer. It was just a simple (yet sweating) gesture but meaningful (for me and the school's team). the next morning (event day), the platform was ready on the stage, strong n steady and even had a 'clothes' on. Haha.
Thanks to the wonderful teamwork, the event went well and was regarded by the PPD as a 5-star hosting. Alhamdulillah.
Remote Potentials~
A lot of potentials was showed and found yesterday, from all walks of the the schools corridor...
the teachers as well as the students. Yesterday's event enabled me to reunite (again!yey!) with IPb@ friends (Cohort 1 students) and also teachers from other schools who showed great enthusiasm and high energy level for meaningful language activities like yesterday's. I personally felt that with more (in number) competent teachers in Pit@s, we could really make it happen. At least to move Pit@s to a better spot in the state's districts ranking. Why do i sound like a politician? Haha.
But, seriously...yesterday's event was very inspiring; the teamwork shown by my collegues, the highly motivated visiting teachers and most importantly the students. Performances showed made me forgot that i was in a rural area. Seriously, no kidding. 'Tabik Spring' to the coaches for the wonderful presentations given by the students, especially from SMK Tel@ga. It was almost at CBN cum National Winners' level (now im being mengade~~hehe~~saje brag about my old school~~)... I talked to the teacher cum coach and i quickly decided that this guy isnt ordinary. I was proven right when i found an article about him on nSt Online.
Oh. I have so much to write about yesterday's event and pics too but i am very tired~will upload them soon and till then, pray for our success this Monday.
Berdeborrr nih~~
Of hellos and goodbyes.
11 years ago