Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Of Playground and Playboy


Today I had a very good start with my year 2s. I brought them jalan-jalan pusing sekolah and showed them places around the school. So, I showed the canteen, the mini library, the toilet (aha!) the classes, the hostel, the hall and of course, the playground. (Bunyi macam sekolah ni lengkap je kan? lengkap juga ba, cume kayu la buatan nya tu~)

T : Okay, itu..lihat sana ya, itu apa itu yang tempat kamu bermain masa rehat tu? what do we call that place? Can somebody help me?

Ss 1: Padang besit cigu...

T : Padang apa? Besi?

Ss 1,2, 3 and the rest: Padang bessiitt..

T: Okay...tapi kita boleh panggil juga padang permainan kan?

Ss 2: Iyaa cigu. boleh juga tu ba.

T: Tapi, kalo bahasa inggeris nya bagaimana? apa kita panggil tempat tu ya? can you help me?

Ss 4: Play ciguu.

T: Ya..pandai..very ggoodd...dekat suda tu...play apaaa... plaayy...

Ss 5 : Playboy teacher!

T: Aaa. apa? Playboy?

Ss 6: Iss salah..,playground ba. yang itu ko jawab tu lelaki ba.

T: Betul tu Ss6. Betul jawapan kamu.

I ushered them back to the class right after that.

Of course, I wanted to laugh outloud at that time but I wasnt able to. It was clear that the child was an innocent girl and i wondered where the heck did she learn abt playboy. Haha.

Moments like these are of unavoidable in the classroom or outside of the classroom (depending on where you hold your classes, of course!).

Hayyy la.. Playboy ke playground?

Amacam, wanna swap classes with me?

But, seriously, I welcome anybody, esp juniors (or fellow teachers from my batch yang nak swap places with me.haha) who are interested to come and see with their eyes as well as having this hands on experience of teaching little monsters aka young students in a very very very rural place like Pitas to come over~ Atleast, the experience (i hope) will be able to teach you something extra. Something that you cant get in KL. Haha. I think this is a crazy offer, of course ppl will say no.

Saya rindu KL sudaa~


Anonymous said...

salam ^_^

haha..it's so funny dowh!

obviously they do know THAT famous word.=p

Anonymous said...

haha kelakar.
kids nowadays!

my students short form kan "condominium" jadi "condom" (!!)

pastu another stdnt marah: "bodohla! condom tu gule2 yg jual dekat tmpt bayar tu!"

soyasofya said...

haha. at least bole terima la kan kalo students kite ckp: brown is 'milo' teacher. teacher pun tanya, ape yg milo? derang pon jawab: brown tu milo la.

Jarod Yong said...

They probably read it from my blog...


i don't know what 2 comment on your post just as i realised...
the word verifiction says
b u l a t!
what the hell


btw, mak aku tak sekolah pun taw that word...
huhu..pelik kan..
aku pikir gak..dr mane mak aku blaja that word..

Anonymous said...

hahhaha. herry's comment is the bongok-est i've ever heard! n i believe ur students learnt it from jarod's blog! haha. n faa, I MMMMMMMMMMMMMISSSSSSSSSSSSS YYYYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUU VERY MUCH. as much as the weight i've gained in my body fat and body water!faa, i miss u!- ejt

tuan tanah said...

mcm nama majalah je...

Anonymous said...

omg lawak2nyeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

i asked my students gardener tu ape? diorang ckp "teacher, rotiiiiiiiiiii!!"

pastu ajar adjective 'large'. i said large tu besar. one boy kononnya pandai la kan tp comel la cara die ckp tu "teacher, large tu bukan makan tengah hari kee?" hehehe
haii anak murid kuuuu
