Last week, I was on talking on the phone with a friend in Beluran (nama dirahsiakan) and she said since she cant go anywhere that weekend, she was actually taking a proactive action by producing ABMs akaTeaching aids. Teaching Aids...Something that I had passion for during practicum. Notice the use of 'Had'?
To be honest, since I started teaching in Rosob, I have only used around 50% of my 'ability' to produce ABMs. I wasnt motivated due to the lack of materials and really looking forward to go back to KL and buy everything I need to make proper ABMs. Seriously. There are alot of kedai runcits and 2 superstore here. hmm. But not thaaaat super. Uhu.
Back to the conversation I had with that dear friend, she said 'fa yang cemerlang tu wat ABM tak?'
Upon hearing that, I had this small 'tiiing' in my mind and that night I figured out ways and strategised for how to make things work in this condition im living in - where superstores arent that super.
'I have to make ABMs that will function and of course, first, I have to buy, borrow or steal things I need in order to make them. I cant even find a decent box of Buncho's crayons here. And they have very limited colours for cardboards and manilas. How?'
That was when I decided that I will just work with what I had at the moment and instead of collecting reasons for this issue, I might as well just live and produce the best I could with it.
So, in a week, I managed to 'start' English sections for three classrooms, produced two identical posters on Prepositions for my Year 2 classes, made a hanging Days-in-the-week poster for my year 1 (which my ss really loved) and cards (with different greetings on it) and pasted them all over my year 1 classroom. I did all that in a week and I know that I can actually do more in the coming weeks and I cant see myself stopping now that I have had my 'ability' and 'the touch' back. Great Teacher Faa is back! Yeay!
I didnt steal anything, anyway. Maybe not yet.
ps: Semua manila card yang digunakan untuk membuat ABM yang disebutkan diatas berwarna biru. Uhuks.
Of hellos and goodbyes.
11 years ago
Hahaha.. come on, Teacher! You can do it~ yeahhhhh, guru cemerlang!mari bersame menempa nama di PPD masing2.. :D
You go girl!
Make em Teaching Aids!
patut la x semangat.
color BIRU x masuk ngn ko.
kalau lah hijau.
ha ha.
a friend in Beluran yg rajin wat ABM...hmm...meh aku teka...tiqah je kot...dr 1st week dia cite dok menggunting time rehat...hehe...
faa tolong buat utk form 5 bley tak? english board ngan keceriaan kelas hihi
wey apehal sume org sabah je nk komen kat sini.gile sabahist!!!semangat kenegerian!tak (huruf ain)Adil
faa, tlg wat utk form 3 gak.
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