Thursday, May 21, 2009

Of Everything and everything.

Its a dang dang dang dang week for me.

First i was sent for a short course in a very short notice last week. Luckily the course was worth the hassle i had to go thru. It was given by lecturers from English L@nguage Dept of IPG K@nt. The content was actually a 'replay' for as I have already learned the reading strategies when I was in IPB@/M@rjon. It was a good experience, meeting teachers from nooks and crooks of Pitas, I learned that some of the teachers had 2-3 hours journey (by boats and bikes) to get to the Pus@t Kegi@tan Guru, where the course was held.

I had gastric attack on Sunday, went to Hospit@l Pitas Emergency and got the needle. And, for the 1st time (of all my experiences going to hospitals) this one, i didnt see any doc. not even one. at the emergency lobby and even in the emergency ward where i was admitted for 30minutes.
MC on the next day, and i have to thank Yao and my dear housemate for 'driving' me to the hospital.

When I got back at school on Monday, I was 'cornered' (ohh i really love this word) and made to say 'yes' to a task of chaperoning 10 UPSR students to UMS for a UPSR programme. Dang. I currently teach Year 1 and 2 and why the heck? huuuwaa... But since this task could contribute to my career portfolio, i am on it~thanks to words of encouragement from yao. Hehehe.

Moving on, oh yes baby~one silverware is in the cupboard again. 3 seasons in a row? Bought the ticks for the 18th July's match already and surprisingly I am going with a die-hard Liverfool fan. Dang. I managed to get passes (i think theyre given for free along with the tickets bought) to see the training session too but am not sure if i could make it as i will only arrive in KL the night before the match. Wanna have the passes? Text me.


i have already completed the marking task. and with mixed feelings (of proud and worry), i announce, 5 of my Yr1s got As and 6 of my Yr2s got As and some students have improved extraordinaryly while a handful didnt show any...looks like i have to work extra extra hard next semester.

Ooooh. I cant wait to go back to KL.
Cant wait.


Jarod Yong said...

I cant wait to get to KL too!

I guess it's okay to go to this escort thing.
Make sure you claim all that you can later as compensation!
I do it myself & my KJ approves it because I do a lot of work as a Guru Data without any special allowance!

See you soon!

hafiz said...

just because the other teachers got husband/wife/kids, they asked u to do change their way of thinking is quite bout u consider getting married tho? hehehe ;p

Anonymous said...

salam fa

hope you are doing fine.after so long, reading your blog. my bro is die-heart liverpool fan.are there any takers for the passes yet?


Anonymous said...


misinterpreted your writing.are there any takers yet for MU passes?
(the youngest bro is a MU fan)
