Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya
Thursday, August 27, 2009
i know some of my friends who choose to stay 'abroad' during this hols because we'v got another break coming close - the Raya break. I say, these people are berhati waja. *clap*clap*. I cant do it. Been to Bazar Ramadhan on the 1st day in KM@rudu and heeheee, its nothing like KL's and I was glad that i'll b going back to KL the next day. ngeee~~I heart KL!
KL and the malls.
I heart KL and the malls.
And the goood saleeesss.
I am now officially broke as i shopped like busybee. I finished the month's 'personal expenses' portion at the concourse level of KLCC. Only the concourse level and i didnt dare to go up to the other levels.
Antara hasil-hasil tangkapan:
Pl@ydoh (play-duuh?) set for Iman, my brother. I had to buy that first before he gave me all the ugutan-ugutan maut and so i thot i can shop peacefully after that la kan? It didnt really work.
Prim@vera shoes for him and me. I justified the purchase of my another - pair - of - pumps by saying 'Ma, they are really good for walking, try la'. Then my mom said 'why, all this while shoes are not for walking ke?'. Enough said la. Ye, saya kalah.
Then, there is another kedai opposite Prim@vera that i cant reveal the name. Hehe. In that kedai la, Iman lost his temper, I lost my money - the cashier took it and I knew it was time to go back.
To add to that, I am due to pay for all my online pre-booked items. Uwa.
Nampaknye, my Marc Jacobs tabung perlu dikacau lagi bulan ini. Uwa.
Sayda, u made the right decision of not coming back to Tanahair weh~
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Just when I thought it'd be a lonely affair...
I seriously thought that it'd to be a very lonely affair for me; celebrating my 24th all alone in Sabah. I underestimated, apparently. Thanks a bunch to Tqa and Yao for making the day a memorable one. Just a simple dinner (oppsie daisie, twice actually~) on Sunday night and again, yesterday's night with an extra crowd-Dzull, a newly acquanted pal from Beluran.
The first dinner, Tqa took the effort to buy the cakes all the way from KK and gosh we're filled with faaattttssssss; 3 slices of different types of cheeeeesecakes and a special one for me st@rbuck's marble cheeeesecake for just the three of us! Yao, too, celebrated her birthday recently. We ate and chatted like the KFC belonged to us and we were in our own world, spoke the same language, laughed and smiled as we toasted the 'adultness' that should come with every birthday.
How could i produced such thought that i'd be all alone on my birthday?
I am not sure about others, but being away from home almost crashes my will to go through the days. I am forcing myself to be strong and to cope. School isnt the best place to be but being around the students is the best thing. So its 50-50. Occasions like birthdays and deaths give me creep and I whine at the fact the I am very far from the family. Quite recently, i have been talking about homesickness quite a lot with Yao and Tqa. It is very hard. Very very hard. When you are away and not even on the same tompok of land in the peta with your family.
So thats why. Thats why I thought 'oh its gonna be black 10. black monday'.
Proven wrong, I apparently celebrate my birthday quite meaningfully too, this year, just like the years before. With friends like Tqa and Yao, where i could really see that our friendship is blossoming into something beautiful and strong. These people are the people that i can count on while i am away, here together with them in Sabah. Their sincerity alone gives me an oxigen supply to my already-drained-will to stand tall in Sabah. Thanks so much, girls.
Thanks alot too those who texted and called me on my birthday. Sangat2 di hargai.
Jaime, aku tak jadi rasa alone~~alhamdulillah.
Syd, thnx fr the call.
Nisa, Am okay already. Homesick sket2 ja.
Nada, yeaaahhh-i had fun!
Zue, its ok bebeh!
Ejat- Yes, you are right, i have friends everywhere, How could i be alone?
And, im shouting out to other friends (yang i ingat) who are gonna celebrate their bdays in August;
Ana shirin, Fariza, Alin, Hadi, Star and Shaa...
Make sure you have a blast, sentiasa dimurahkan rejeki dan dalam perlindunganNya, Insya Allah.
24ed already. Welcome to adultery. Hahaha.
ps: Lawak di atas berbentuk lawak bahasa ye. Sorry for inconvenience caused. *WINK*
Friday, July 31, 2009
Too Many Things~
Ali G, biasala kan with his antics - came to me, while i was busy flipping the tickets and said 'em, hi miss ' and i was shocked. Then Guna came forward - i introduced them to my dad- and - we took the photo. Too bad Syahir was looking for Ah Seng who came late; i didnt manage to see them. Btw, I thought Syahir was an Arsenal's fan? Hehe.
It was really a good game and we could tell that Van de Sar was damn tall, Giggs was the real show stealer (some may say Owen was), Amri Yahya was lucky, and some M@laysian players were really struggling to be the day's hero (trying too hard to score alone) and yeah, M@laysian players were there.
Heres another pic
Later that night, i went for a dinner with my family at M@dam Kwan's, KLCC. Due to the fever, i wasnt able to really enjoy the food but i totally enjoyed the company.
Sunday, i made my way to the airport and reached KK that noon. Thanks to Yao n Tqa who came to fetch me and we drove back to Kot@ M@rudu together.
Monday, on my way back to home after school, i received a call from my mother;
'tokbak dah takde tapi kakak tak payah balik ok, uve seen him already, its ok'
I wasnt able to think straight, wasnt sure if i should go back and i called my PK HEM, who advised me to just go back and be with the family as my father had just lost his father.
I called my aunt who managed to get her staff in KK to arrange the flight back to KL for me.
The flight was fully booked; ade rombongan sekolah KK g KL (gile best~) and the seats available were only on the biz class section. So i flew biz.
It was my first time flying biz, the ticket was all paid for (Thanks so much Kak Yus and she refused any payment from me), it was the normal 2-hour domestic flight and i got to know that in biz, the attendants call you by your name and they bancuh the tea for you.
But heres the best part of the trip, there was a F-L-Y in the chicken rice they served me. How EM-H was that? Hehe. Very EM-H, i guess. Thanks to the very helpful female attendant and the funny leading attendant who cracked a joke about how the fly made his way into the nasi.
I arrived at KLI@ at around 9pm and reached Ulu Klang at around 10.30pm. I missed the pengebumian but i was glad to be home with my family at this difficult moment, esp for my father. Held kenduris for nights. And on friday, my grandmother (mummy's side- the only grannie i have now) was admitted at Taw@kal Hospital for liver problem. Hmm. Too many challenges.
I went back to KK last Sunday.
So, it was hectic. Very Hectic.
And the fever is back. Homesickness is the free gift that comes along with it.
If only i could fly home, everyday. Forget the bussiness class.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Back On Track~
The district level competition was held at my school yesterday and yeap, we made it. Thanks to the originality of the script (read:wrote by me, so its considered school's property and original). I really have to thank my colleagues, esp my GB, PKs and KP for their support and understanding. The event was alhamdulillah, a real success.
Now, Let me tell you a story that will defintely break my heart each time i think about it.
Since the school was only given a very short time to prepare for the event (1.5 days), we had to rush many things. During the meeting, the need for a proper platform for the choral speakers was highlighted and i politely said that if we didnt have the platform, it should be ok (who wants to built a platfrom in a night?)...but to my surprise, few male teachers openly suggested that they could do it if they were given enough nails and some proper papans. Thats all they needed. What the? I was like 'aha? u sure?' and yeah, they didnt mind at all and GB granted them permission to leave the meeting to go and get the stuff they needed to build the platform. I was already crying in the inside. Talk about extra miles some teachers willing to take.
You see, at that point i saw the real 'teachers' in my school's teachers.. real teachers who would do anything to ensure the students could get the best they could offer. It was just a simple (yet sweating) gesture but meaningful (for me and the school's team). the next morning (event day), the platform was ready on the stage, strong n steady and even had a 'clothes' on. Haha.
Thanks to the wonderful teamwork, the event went well and was regarded by the PPD as a 5-star hosting. Alhamdulillah.
Remote Potentials~
A lot of potentials was showed and found yesterday, from all walks of the the schools corridor...
the teachers as well as the students. Yesterday's event enabled me to reunite (again!yey!) with IPb@ friends (Cohort 1 students) and also teachers from other schools who showed great enthusiasm and high energy level for meaningful language activities like yesterday's. I personally felt that with more (in number) competent teachers in Pit@s, we could really make it happen. At least to move Pit@s to a better spot in the state's districts ranking. Why do i sound like a politician? Haha.
But, seriously...yesterday's event was very inspiring; the teamwork shown by my collegues, the highly motivated visiting teachers and most importantly the students. Performances showed made me forgot that i was in a rural area. Seriously, no kidding. 'Tabik Spring' to the coaches for the wonderful presentations given by the students, especially from SMK Tel@ga. It was almost at CBN cum National Winners' level (now im being mengade~~hehe~~saje brag about my old school~~)... I talked to the teacher cum coach and i quickly decided that this guy isnt ordinary. I was proven right when i found an article about him on nSt Online.
Oh. I have so much to write about yesterday's event and pics too but i am very tired~will upload them soon and till then, pray for our success this Monday.
Berdeborrr nih~~
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Post Holidays Syndrome
Post Holidays Syndrome? Caught the bug and yeah, i just have to live with it. Plus, there are so many things under any teacher's belt and i cant count myself out.
Choral Speaking Competition is on its way and yikes! the date has been changed to an earlier date than the proposed's. But, saya mempercayai kebolehan pelajar2 saya..so yeah, bring it on!
Those who kenal me all the way should know that I used to have (hopefully still have) a soft spot for choral speaking. In school, and even in IPba. I like choral speaking alot. I just like it alot. I remember that we (the girls and i) won the 2nd or was it 3rd place back in IPba, helped the preparation for a choral performance during IPba 2008 T's day and recently (earlier this year) i even voluntereed to help+coach the team from a secondary school in my neighbourhood (kids were first timers and they won 2nd place..aint bad, eh?).
IPba T Day 2008 ( i wasnt in the pic~)
Today, we had a meeting for this upcoming competition and i was elected Pegawai Teknik (at first i was like 'nganga' what the heck is Pegawai Teknik?) and was thrilled. Funny. But at that point, i could feel the 'gigih' rush...hahaha. The meeting solved few mysteries and I left the meeting calculating things that i should do prior to the competition. and competition is on Friday baby! this friday. Talk about the level of competency required, huh?
I see this event as another challenge that will later help filling my experience vessel (i hope it really will) and furthermore, its Choral Speaking! It is something that I have close to my heart... definitely, I am all game.
Well, the meeting felt like an IPba reunion. Okay, almost like a reunion. Christie, Kak Ain and Kak Zura (all of Cohort 1) and i... and hooray, it felt really good to see faces who had been there and done that (IPba, where else?) and I was delighted.
I felt as if we were comrades from the same training ground, currently combating the English's lack of exposure in Pitas and always finding the strategies to win the battle; the students' interest. And the sisterhood. It felt like a sisterhood too. I will be working with them for few upcoming events too and yeap, looking forward for it as we speak the same language. Haha.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Turning Private.
Let me know what u think, IPBA friends.
Thank you so much.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
At the airport.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Of Everything and everything.
Its a dang dang dang dang week for me.
First i was sent for a short course in a very short notice last week. Luckily the course was worth the hassle i had to go thru. It was given by lecturers from English L@nguage Dept of IPG K@nt. The content was actually a 'replay' for as I have already learned the reading strategies when I was in IPB@/M@rjon. It was a good experience, meeting teachers from nooks and crooks of Pitas, I learned that some of the teachers had 2-3 hours journey (by boats and bikes) to get to the Pus@t Kegi@tan Guru, where the course was held.
I had gastric attack on Sunday, went to Hospit@l Pitas Emergency and got the needle. And, for the 1st time (of all my experiences going to hospitals) this one, i didnt see any doc. not even one. at the emergency lobby and even in the emergency ward where i was admitted for 30minutes.
MC on the next day, and i have to thank Yao and my dear housemate for 'driving' me to the hospital.
When I got back at school on Monday, I was 'cornered' (ohh i really love this word) and made to say 'yes' to a task of chaperoning 10 UPSR students to UMS for a UPSR programme. Dang. I currently teach Year 1 and 2 and why the heck? huuuwaa... But since this task could contribute to my career portfolio, i am on it~thanks to words of encouragement from yao. Hehehe.
Moving on, oh yes baby~one silverware is in the cupboard again. 3 seasons in a row? Bought the ticks for the 18th July's match already and surprisingly I am going with a die-hard Liverfool fan. Dang. I managed to get passes (i think theyre given for free along with the tickets bought) to see the training session too but am not sure if i could make it as i will only arrive in KL the night before the match. Wanna have the passes? Text me.
i have already completed the marking task. and with mixed feelings (of proud and worry), i announce, 5 of my Yr1s got As and 6 of my Yr2s got As and some students have improved extraordinaryly while a handful didnt show any...looks like i have to work extra extra hard next semester.
Ooooh. I cant wait to go back to KL.
Cant wait.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Paint the town red~
I like the colour red. I dont know why. But yeah, i like red.
So, I think its ok to have a red coloured car. It will stop the traffic.
Talking about red.
I already bought return tickets for Kuala Lumpur, 17 - 19 July 2009.
Just for the weekend.
Just for the red weekend.
The devils are coming to town.
I didnt want to go back earlier... but since we'r going to the Champs League Finale and we've got three matches before the end of the Barclays season, why not? Haha. 3 matches, Wigan (uhum), Arsenal (duh?) and is it Hull and we are now 83? (hate the fact that liverf@@l is tailing close behind, 80).
I think its worth taking the risk (of investing on the flight tics).
Isnt red the colour of danger?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
My A B C s
B for Bandung - I went to Bandung-Jakarta last month, flew str8 from KK!
C for CERRUTI 1881 watch for my graduation (tq pa&ma!)
D for DKNY watch i bought to mark my first pay~
E for Err..exam questions for my kids still half-touched~
F for Fatigue...MC for 2 days last week~
G for Gombak. Gombak. Gombak.
H for You know who you are.
I for I am hungry.
J for Jaime, i cant wait to see you.
K for Kopitiam..why no halal kopitiam in Kota Marudu?
for Karambunai - went there last week. A+
L for Lazy-ness. Thats why no update.
M for MAS. Cant wait to fly back to KL.
N for Nine West Red Tote i have my eyes on.
O for Oppsie daisy, sorry no serious update this time.
P for Plymouth. U wait there ok~
Q for Queuing at the one and only BSN in Kota Marudu can kill.
R for Re-format. I had my laptop re-formatted last week. I cried on my way to the shop fearing i
was losing all the docs.
S for Speaking, Choral. Currently coaching my kids and my school is going to host the
competition for the first time the district history! Thanks to 'that cikgu bahasa english yang
bersemangat betul tu'. Read: ITS ME.
T for Thankful. I am thankful for quite few good news i had these few months/weeks.
-My first pay was in. read: was gone in 60 seconds. haha.
-Cerruti 1881.
-Jabatan Perdana Menteri. (haha)
-My Year 2 ss can read few short texts! Did i tell that i nearly cried when i was listening to
them reading the texts?
-Tanjung Aru Beach. Superb foodddssss~
U for YOU. Cant wait to see you. Only my family and ipba friends read this blog. So its you.
V for VE,+. Positive. Im staying positive despite all the 'challenges' i face in school now.
W for Weddings. Lotsa invites coming in. Wow!
X for I dont know.
Y for Yassin,booklets. Sedekah'ed to few suraus to mark my first pay.
Z for Zero Fat. Haha.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Essay I Wrote for Allen's PD Presentation next week~
I now hold students‘hands without hesitation which on the first day I couldn’t bring myself to do (the school has no steady water supply- we depend on the rain- so you can guess), I now stock pencils like l run a little stationery shop (only they are given for free) after I give all of mine on the first day leaving only a mechanical pencil in my case, which of course, none of the students own.
I now, do not give homework as I please after I learn that most of my students walk 2-3 hours to school everyday (while I drive 40 minutes in an air-conditioned car) and these little monster drag their mommies to school because they are too young to walk past valleys and hills and yeah, you should guess it right, mommies are heroes, heroes carry heavy bags, and school bags are heavy. I now know that they are two types of students in my classes, 1; students with *stembok, 2; students without *stembok, which mean 1; they are daughters/sons of teachers and 2; daddies are farmers and fishermen (mommies? they carry the students’ bags), which of course indicate that 1; earn RM 2500/month while 2; daddies earn RM200-RM400/month.
I earn RM3500/month, Shouldn’t I be ‘giving’ it back? So, teaching is a must do as far as my heart concerns. And, who wouldn’t want to be paid for doing her favourite thing? Even the MERIT I require during practicum does not promise the equal ecstasy when I hear my Year 1 students recite Monday – Friday in just a breath.
* stembok = pencil box
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Oh I Can't Wait~
2.5 days to go.
2.5 days to go.
Can't wait for my eat-all-i-can visits:
Breakfast at Jalan Tanglin (superb charkoayteow! n white coffee)
Breakfast at Kelana Jaya (superb charkoayteow too)
Lunch at Nasi Ayam Hospital Besar
Lunch at KLCC (lasagnaaaaaaaaaa)
Lunch at Pavilion (again, superb charkoayteow)
Late lunch at Pha-pha Seafood (seafooodd tomyaaammmm)
Late lunch at Kuah Sup Island
Late lunch at Rak Thai Amcorp Mall (tomyaaaammmm yumyum)
Tea at Goreng Pisang Taman Melati
Tea at Cendol Setiawangsa
Coffeee dose at Oltown!
Dinner at Chilis (chicken sandwich and ribs eyeee..gosh!)
Dinner at Jalan Imbi (superb charkoayteow. teehee)
Dinner at Sakura Kristal (i like the restaurant's atmosphere)
Dinner at Bubba Gump ( shrimps shrimps shrimps)
Fancy to join me?
Monday, March 2, 2009
Of Farhanna and Farhana
Just to share a short account on what happened in my Year 1 class today. I was quite mad and annoyed at some of the students for talking outloud and singing songs softly under their breaths. I was annoyed because I was trying very hard to figure out which songs they were singing. Annoyed because I wanted to guess the title of the songs correctly (pelik gile kan? but seriously i felt disturbed if I couldnt get the titles correctly).
The soft songs then were really getting on my nerves hence I asked the students to stop singing.
Student 1: Pelahan la ba. Tcher mara suda tu.
Students 2: Senyap la. aku mau buat kerjaa.
Student 3: Btul ba, bukan sedap pun suara mu *******...
*******: Aku tukar lagu la aa. Paraaanaaa oh paraaanaaa...(farhanaa oh farhanaa)
Student 4, 5,6 dan yg lain2: Paraaanaaa oh paranaaaa...(farhanaa oh farhanaa)
TCHER: Uwaaa... Cemana nak marah ni?
Last weekend, Tqa paid a visit to Kota Marudu and on Saturday we (yao pun ade) made our way to KK. We met up with Mien, Sheila and Hafiz. anddddd...Mien had his 1st P.A.Y alreadyyyy~ (He was Orang Kaya Baru berhati baik sebab belanja his poor friends makan~ngeh ngeh ngeh)
PLUSSS, Mien sorang je la muka bercahayaaaa (Kalo dah no dalam slip tu bermula dengan no 5***.** untuk 1bulan lebih, muke sape tak bercahayaaaaa.hehehe) dan tangan penuh dengan plastik berisi souvenirs for his family as he is also goin back to KL/Ganu this March. His flight will be at 9pm while mine is at 8pm.
Insya Allah we're going to hang out or waste our time together at the airport on Friday, the 13th. Yeay.
Cant wait to get on the flight.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Happy Birthday Sissstaaas!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Of Hari Sukan Zon 1 Pitas and Kebaya~
Can you see our asrama desa?
the athletes, ready to go~
SK Rosob yang merah menyala~
Funny thing was, I wearing a Kebaya on that day.
In Pitas, apparently, at times, events could be forwarded or postponed or delayed atau dengan erti kata lain, diubah masa nya in a very short notice. And really really short notice. That fateful Thursday, when I was busy decorating the sepanduk and the same time sewing ribbons onto the school's flag (dont ask me how I did two things at one time, IPBA taught us well~), we received a calls from our teachers who were already at the Tuanrumah's padang saying that Acara Perbarisan will be on that day. On Thursday instead of Friday, the next day.
Whatt the??
I only had around 30mins to finish both of my tasks and luckily most the students involved for Perbarisan lived near the school so they could run to get their Perbarisan gears. A handful of students couldnt join because they lived 2 hours away and its ridiculous for them to go back just to get the clothes and of course they wont be able to make it on time.
Tick tock tick tock.
We reached the Tuanrumah's school at 8.45am and I was fully dressed in a purple kebaya and yes, E.Y.E.S were on teachers from SK Rosob sebab datang Hari Sukan Zon pakai baju kurung and kebaya dan berkasut tumit tinggi (drumrooooolllls).
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Lebih Hangat Daripada Biasa
Lebih hangat daripada biasa.
Maka demam lah jawapannya.
uhuk. uhuk.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Of Stealing and Teaching Aids
To be honest, since I started teaching in Rosob, I have only used around 50% of my 'ability' to produce ABMs. I wasnt motivated due to the lack of materials and really looking forward to go back to KL and buy everything I need to make proper ABMs. Seriously. There are alot of kedai runcits and 2 superstore here. hmm. But not thaaaat super. Uhu.
Back to the conversation I had with that dear friend, she said 'fa yang cemerlang tu wat ABM tak?'
Upon hearing that, I had this small 'tiiing' in my mind and that night I figured out ways and strategised for how to make things work in this condition im living in - where superstores arent that super.
'I have to make ABMs that will function and of course, first, I have to buy, borrow or steal things I need in order to make them. I cant even find a decent box of Buncho's crayons here. And they have very limited colours for cardboards and manilas. How?'
That was when I decided that I will just work with what I had at the moment and instead of collecting reasons for this issue, I might as well just live and produce the best I could with it.
So, in a week, I managed to 'start' English sections for three classrooms, produced two identical posters on Prepositions for my Year 2 classes, made a hanging Days-in-the-week poster for my year 1 (which my ss really loved) and cards (with different greetings on it) and pasted them all over my year 1 classroom. I did all that in a week and I know that I can actually do more in the coming weeks and I cant see myself stopping now that I have had my 'ability' and 'the touch' back. Great Teacher Faa is back! Yeay!
I didnt steal anything, anyway. Maybe not yet.
ps: Semua manila card yang digunakan untuk membuat ABM yang disebutkan diatas berwarna biru. Uhuks.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Bulih ba kalo ko~
Thats 'ok, of course' in Sabah. Or probably just in Kota Marudu? Sabah ppl, help me.
And, i like using that phrase. I will use it every chance i get then i'll laugh. The other day, i noticed a car with super large sticker 'BULI BA KALO KO' and i laughed out loud and I didnt manage to snap a pic.
Okay, lets move on to my little monsters. I just found out that most of my year 2 students have got their own nicknames. And they hv been using the names openly and of course, loudly in the classroom sampai I pening which one was which one. Until i learned their 'nicknames'...
Here's the list;
Ramlee - Embok
Wafi - Ayang
Nizam - Along pendek
Azmawie - Botak woi
Atiqah - Abby (what the?)
Nurrahman - Along (not the pendek one)
Think you can handle it?
Njoy this lovey-dovey weekend!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Of Playground and Playboy
Today I had a very good start with my year 2s. I brought them jalan-jalan pusing sekolah and showed them places around the school. So, I showed the canteen, the mini library, the toilet (aha!) the classes, the hostel, the hall and of course, the playground. (Bunyi macam sekolah ni lengkap je kan? lengkap juga ba, cume kayu la buatan nya tu~)
T : Okay, itu..lihat sana ya, itu apa itu yang tempat kamu bermain masa rehat tu? what do we call that place? Can somebody help me?
Ss 1: Padang besit cigu...
T : Padang apa? Besi?
Ss 1,2, 3 and the rest: Padang bessiitt..
T: Okay...tapi kita boleh panggil juga padang permainan kan?
Ss 2: Iyaa cigu. boleh juga tu ba.
T: Tapi, kalo bahasa inggeris nya bagaimana? apa kita panggil tempat tu ya? can you help me?
Ss 4: Play ciguu.
T: Ya..pandai..very ggoodd...dekat suda tu...play apaaa... plaayy...
Ss 5 : Playboy teacher!
T: Aaa. apa? Playboy?
Ss 6: Iss salah..,playground ba. yang itu ko jawab tu lelaki ba.
T: Betul tu Ss6. Betul jawapan kamu.
I ushered them back to the class right after that.
Of course, I wanted to laugh outloud at that time but I wasnt able to. It was clear that the child was an innocent girl and i wondered where the heck did she learn abt playboy. Haha.
Moments like these are of unavoidable in the classroom or outside of the classroom (depending on where you hold your classes, of course!).
Hayyy la.. Playboy ke playground?
Amacam, wanna swap classes with me?
But, seriously, I welcome anybody, esp juniors (or fellow teachers from my batch yang nak swap places with me.haha) who are interested to come and see with their eyes as well as having this hands on experience of teaching little monsters aka young students in a very very very rural place like Pitas to come over~ Atleast, the experience (i hope) will be able to teach you something extra. Something that you cant get in KL. Haha. I think this is a crazy offer, of course ppl will say no.
Saya rindu KL sudaa~
Friday, January 30, 2009
My New Comfort Zone~
My new housemates are also teachers; Kak Zabrina (Auckland Uni, C1) and Kak Aini (UM)~ and both of them are supernice.
My new room is small compared to the room I rented before, but this new room brings a homey aura thus I have nothing to complaint. The room is mine and I am free to do anything without ever have to consult others'. yeay. Plus, I love the smell, I put on an air-frshner and each time I walk in...the room smells nice. Haha. I think I am going overboard in describing my newly acquainted happiness. But yeah, H-A-P-P-Y is the word this week!
The are a few shocking and happy news hitting me this week. Here are some:
A very best friend of mine is getting engaged this March (I will be treating her the baju for her day with my own pay, exclusively bought in Jakarta. jeng jeng jeng) .
Another best friend is going to have a baby (I envy the cuti panjaaaaaang she'll be enjoying end of this year! haha).
Another good friend is getting married this June (and i'll be treating her an electric periuk nasi as part of my pact with her. hehe).
another best+superb+good friend texted me and said she managed to bake her first professional cupcakes with BEN 10 deco (isnt that nice to heaar? cakess..i havent jumpa any kdai kek here in Kota Marudu).
and, my barney friend is being nice by going tru the hassle to hunt for Dodol to fulfil my hunger quest and shes going to pass them tru Yao~
Can you smell my happyyy-ness? Alhamdullillah. I think everthing now is falling into its' places and I really hope that this happy-happy thing could stay they way they are now in the future. So far, this week is the best week of my stay in Sabah~ Thanks to Him.
Lots of H-A-P-P-Y-love;
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Spilling It All Out
Im back in Pitas, Kota Marudu. I'd like to spill it all out.
Day 1 , arrived at KKIA around 8pm. Stayed the night at Airport View Hotel. L-o-u-s-y. But it was a free stay with free foodsss. I started to not eat heartily there and then.
Day 2, got THE letter, SK ROSOB PITAS. hmm. Before i came, I had always looked at the list of schools in Sabah and always, always i will had my eyes on Pitas. hmm. Jodoh kot?
Day 2, arrived in PPD Pitas at abot 6pm. Magrib approached and i waited for reps from my school to come and pick me up. No tears tho despite seeing other beginning teachers leaving with the Guru Besar. Mine arrived late. And, it wasnt the GB, It was the school's clerk, a pakcik with a golden heart. i was brought to his home. built strategically di atas laut. saya ulang, di atas laut. i had to take off my Charles n Keith pumps and brought up my kain dekat paras lutut because of air pasang. there you have it, my first taste of air laut in Sabah! Btw, theres another teacher with, from IPPerlis, Kak Ros. Both of us were to report the next day at SK ROSOB.
Day 3, reported myself to the school. filled in the borangs. and lucky me, i was living (Actually menumpang) with the clerk whos responsible for my pay! yeay! gave all the docs he needed and he said my pay could be in February! but...sadly, just before school ended, he said, PPD couldnt allow for that to happen. so, its going to be in March. isk. bolehla tu~
Day 4-5 I went for house hunting and it was very hard to find a proper house here in Pitas. and, mind you..tiada bekalan air sempurna ye, semua turun dari langit. alhamdullilah, so far, my kulit macam biasa suda. tiada masalah pun. terima kasih kepada body shop, i guess the cleanser can work well with nature. haha. cut short, we managed to get a room, rm300 permonth on sharing basis. no aircond or water heater ye najib.
Day 6- up until now; Moved to the new house/room. hoho. water crisis; no water supply if theres no rain. electricity crisis; my tuan rumah is a verry verry cermat old lady and can u imagine living with a person who wont let the lights up smpai dah betul2 gelap?
okeh. am tired to type more actually.
but seriously, here, i have learned about how help and assistance could come to you from persons you barely know...
i feel indebted to the clerk's family; provided me with food in the shapes of super XXL size prawns, fresh from the sea and a place to stay before i found a suitable house for me.
next, to Kak Ain of cohort 1, she called me on Day 6 and i nearly cried. but i managed to hold it. i wanted to cry because her voice sounded very honest when she asked about my current being. of course i said i was fine. Kak Ain also helped to to find a better house in Kota Marudu, about 30mins from my school but the place is the (nearby and only) area of civilisation that could help me stand strong and preserve my sanity. haha.
Kak Zabrina, my future housemate; i learned from my Cohort 1 friends that she is very nice and a cool person to be with. insya Allah. i met her the other day and i really hope i could get along well with her once i have moved in.
The best thing is, i will be living only few doors away from Yao! One very familiar face and we made the pact the other day to take good care of each other. kite tgkla sape jg sape nanti. haha.
I went to Yao's place last friday and for the first time, i announce, the first time, i ate whole-heartedly. Udang freshhhhh (i bought on my way to Kota Marudu) with sambal belacan stolen from Yao's hsemate. I told Yao that i wanted to perform sujud syukur that night and i did during magrib. i was really pleased to see Yao and very pleased to feel the nikmat of makan-makan again.
i shall continue later. i need to pack my bags as im due to move out tomorrow. insya Allah.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Alhamdulillah, im well and alive.
currently im in KK and just had a very memorable reunion with my IPBA friends.
catch u ltr!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Kota Marudu: Here I Come
Friday, January 2, 2009
Kota Marudu's Future Puppeteer
I am waiting patiently for my flight day. I think this time around I am having different kind of ‘leaving’ feeling. I think I look forward to this new adventure than my 2006’s departure to the UK. Maturity is kicking in, you think? Most of my fellow Sabahan future teachers know that I have finished packing days ago. Ding Dong. And my bag weights at 21kgs! (Jaime says im a light traveller!) That is quite an achievement considering that I have put in 18 pasangs of Baju Kurung and 2 puppet theatres besides other necessities. Here are some of the lucky things that have secured places in my bag.
Bought in the UK, GBP 7.99.
Another one…
Foldable Puppet Theatre
Bought in IKEA, RM9.90 (quite a steal, huh?)
Then, presenting…
The Actors! TITTA Mini Puppets!
Available in IKEA too, RM19.90 for 10pcs
A lot can be done with these little figures.
Adjectives. Colours, Shapes, Speaking Skills...I cant stop! Yeay!
But sadly, only binatang laut available…the binatang darat out of stock~ Sume dah jalan gi Marudu kot~~ Sigh!
And surprise surprise…
RM 5 for both sets.
Need my explanation of what are these things going to help me with?
Well, I gulped when I heard Syida plans to bring mini rice-cooker whereas I never thought about stuff like that at the initial stage of packing. So, to give myself a sense of ‘security’, I bought these utensils. And, yes, of course I am going to get myself a mini rice-cooker once I am in Kota Kinabalu.
Many things happened yesterday. I would like to congratulate my fellow secondary teachers for securing places that they favour. All the best, guys!
Regarding the Surat Lantikan issue, I was pretty frustrated yesterday as this problem surfaced in the midst of these very hectic weeks…where flights are about to take depart and classes are about to begin. However, I have to thank some of my friends for making the effort to seek clarification for the rest of us. The letter is apparently important for our pay and yes. Pay is important for us beginning teachers, especially those who are going be away from home and comfort zones and of course from our non-gangster-money-lenders; our beloved Fathers and Mothers. Ding Dong. And the pay is important. For my June camping trip to Pavilion. Haha.
So far, I have heard quite many mixed remarks about Kota Marudu and I am taking them very positively, Insya Allah. Plus, my positive friends are helping me in this (you know who you are) and of course, I just smiled at the not-so-positive comments. I hope that I can maintain my ‘positiveness’ up until I reach and see with my own eyes; the school and of course, Kota Marudu. I googled for images of Kota Marudu and for non-photography lover like me, I personally think that the scenery is amazing…tu baru tengok gambar…belum sampai betol-betol~
Okay, I might sound too positive, as if I am denying the probable dangers, risks or all sorts of kesulitan that I might face once I am there. But, the truth is, I would like for once (again) to be all positive and prepare myself with sufficient strength that may be needed when I step on Kota Marudu’s ground rather than mind-mapping the un-positive probabilities. So, cut me some space eh? Honestly, they are comments that came out from people (you don’t know who you are) that I can categorise as non-positive-at-all-so-i-will-just-smile-at-you, your-comments-aren’t-honest-enough and your-comments-are-meant-for-your-own-self-assurance-not-me. But. That’s it. No offence taken. Its alright.
And, I received texts and call from friends that I could straight away smell their sincerity (you know who you are). Somehow, text from Ungku took my heart away. Thanks girls! And Jarod, for your comment for my previous post.
Hmm… I think that’s it for now. I have to start practising my finger puppeting technique!